Norwood SAPS Barracks Childrens Christmas Party

The Norwood Mall very kindly held a Christmas Party for the children of police men and women living at the Barracks, an occasion that would not have been quite so successful or generous if they had not become as involved as they did.

Singing a Christmas Carol

All children who attended were given an age appropriate gift, a box of goodies and mountains of snacks and edible treates.

Father Christmas even made an appreance a little early this year to distribute the presents and make the event exciting for all the children, especaially those who have never met him before.

Father Christmas choosing the perfect gift

Sasco Sam then made an appearance which brought a further element of fun to all – even the mums 🙂

Sasco Sam entertaining the kids

Thank you NORWOOD MALL, you have made a real difference in the lives of all who attended and have shown how with a little committment, individuals can make a huge difference to the lives of those less fortunate.

Santa's helper

Article written by ncpfcoza

Astrid Matulovich
NCPF Sector 2 Chair
082 452 0730