NCPF News – February 2012


Thanks to everyone who has been sending information and helping since the beginning of the year. A special note should go to R Cohen who has been instrumental in getting a dilapidated and vagrant filled house cleaned up. It’s incredible how community members who walk amongst us are willing to just leave a property to rack and ruin. To be overrun by vagrants and become a health and safety hazard for their neighbours. It was only due to her concerted effort that we have got some movement from our Law enforcement (Metro) on the property in Fairwood. We should all put pressure on our own community members that flout laws and make our area unsafe and ugly!

Pass on any and all information that you might have or feel is necessary for us to know.  All activity is intelligence driven so the more we know the more effective we, and the SAPS, can be.  Please do not even hesitate, pass it on and we can make things even more wonderful than they already are!

Smash & grabs on all M1 highway offramps.
There has been a couple follow home driveway robberies. It appears as those these persons came from shopping centre’s in and from outside our area.

As we have warned before – when exiting an entering your house one must be extra vigilant. This is where you are vulnerable. If you do feel that you are being followed please do not drive home. Rather circle a block to see if the car follows. If it is still following you then call the SAPS, your private security provider, if possible, and head to the closest police station.  The vehicle will probably realize that they have been found out and leave. Let us know of its details and we can circulate them.  And informed community is an active one!

Community Highlight:
2012 Northern District BP Day Scout Expo;
Sunday 26th from 9:00 (9am) – 15:00 (3 pm);
Where – Waverley Park (Crnr Scott & Stirling Str)
Contact Don on 082 688 1861 for more info.

They will have loads for everyone to see and do.  There will be food and refreshments for sale.  You must attend this event as it will open your eyes to how scouts and cubs can influence our boys AND girls to become men and women.  Scouts and cubs is for any child (boys & girls) and is a wonderful way to teach your child practical skills for everyday life.  If you would like more info please contact Don on the number listed above.
They are also looking for volunteers to help out on a regular basis so if you are available please get in touch with him.

Upcoming meetings:
Wednesday 29th February – Norwood CPF community meeting.
Time – 6pm
Where – Norwood SAPS Barracks Boardroom

Once again I would like to make  call for all those that live in our area to come and get involved in our structures.  We are only able to function at a tiny fraction of what we can.  So if anyone is able to give of their time to make a difference in this wonderful area of ours please get in touch with me.

Salani kahle.

Duncan Barker
Norwood CPF
078 014 2387
Twitter – @NorwoodCPF
Fax – 086 638 4230

Article written by Duncan Barker