Reminder of Sector Crime Forum

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A reminder regarding the Sector Crime Forum for Sector 4 this week, Thursday the 12th of September.

Sector 4 comprises the following suburbs & areas:

Royal JHB Golf Club, Huddle Park Golf Club, Sydenham, Orange Grove, Mountain View, Fairwood, Victoria, Fellside, Linksfield, Linksfield North & Linksfield Ridge.

So if you live, work or play in these areas please come along and get involved. We have some excellent initiatives and would like to get this up and running effectively. To do this we need all of you!

Date – Thursday – 12th September 2013

Venue – Orange Grove Primary School – Pembroke Street in Sydenham.

Time – 18:00 / 6pm

We look forward to hosting our community again and creating an active, civil society that wont let crime rule our lives. If we all stand up together then we can beat this!

Please pass this on to those who are part of our community. If we can interact with a wider audience we can all succeed in our endeavours. There are people out there willing to help we just need to get to them!

Article written by NCPF Support

Russell Cohen