Collection for Shane de Beer

Hi All,

An update on the collection for Shane de Beer.

A substantial amount was raised. This will be presented to him in the form of vouchers for him to purchase items that he deems necessary.

All queries can be directed towards us either in writing or at our regular monthly meetings. The Norwood CPF holds bi-monthly public meetings a the Norwood SAPS Barracks board room. The next one is at the end of this month – 25th August 2010. All of our information and records are public.

We do feel that in this case his privacy should be protected. As before if you feel the need to know the exact details I welcome you to attend the meeting at the end of the month where we will discuss this again.


Duncan Barker
Norwood CPF
078 014 2387

Article written by Duncan Barker

2 Responses

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  1. Craig
    Craig at |

    Fabulous Duncan. Where can we send confirmation and contact details to?

  2. Admin
    Admin at |

    Hi Craig,
    Please email to or fax to us on 086 626 0268.
    You can also drop it off at our office at the Police station in Norwood – in Iris Rd opposite Patterson Park.


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