Want to eradicate crime?

Get involved in our CPF or its sub-forums!

Hi All,

I trust that everyone is well and I wish all our Muslim residents well – Eid Mubarak.

Reminder of our Monthly CPF Meeting tomorrow (Wednesday 30th July) – 6pm at the Norwood SAPS Barracks Boardroom.

We will be introducing our new Sector 4 Crime Forum committee. It was with much excitement that I was able to announce this at our AGM. So come and meet your new committee. Although I am sure if you live in Sector 4 you will be seeing them soon as they have great plans for their/your Sector.

Lookouts & Warnings:

From SAPS:

Blue Toyota Conquest – used in thefts out of MV

Club Rd in Linksfield looks to have attracted some attention. If you are around this main thoroughfare please take care. Corner of Bedford especially.

It also seems as though Sector 1 has picked up in terms of criminal activity. It is a good thing then that we have a meeting scheduled for this sector (28th August) to establish an SCF.


There have been reports of persons impersonating City Power and other municipal organisations and trying to gain access to your property. Please be aware that this is a modus operandi (MO) of criminals. They come on to your property and either steal or rob you of your valuables. Please ask for identification and even call the SAPS or your security provider to come around. If they are legit they should happily wait for them to arrive. If not then please let us all know and even try and take pictures of them so we can distribute.

Please also like our Facebook page & follow on twitter – we update with tips from other CPF’s and like minded organisations!

Meeting schedule:

Sector 1 Crime Forum Meeting – 28th August 2014

Please see invitation attached. This relates to these suburbs & areas:

Houghton Estate, Melrose, Melrose North, Melrose Estate, Melrose Bird Sanctuary, James and Ethel Grey Park, Houghton Golf Club, Killarney Golf Course, Birdhaven, Riviera & Birnam.

Thanks and please consider getting involved in one of our forums. We need all of us to fight the scourge of crime. My daughter needs to grow up in a world where we all fight for each other and there is nothing that we can’t achieve if we do this for one another!



Article written by NCPF Support

Russell Cohen