November 2014

You are browsing the site archives for November 2014.


Hi All, A lookout from this week’s stats from SAPS: Black BMW Coupe – involved in House Robbery in our area. 4 Black males were in this vehicle Be aware everyone, these criminals are driving the latest, or sometimes new, models of vehicles. A reminder of the lookouts from last week: Vehicle lookouts: Silver Alfa […]

Sector Details for Norwood SAPS

The table listing the sectors into which the Norwood SAPS Precinct has been divided, the mobile numbers for the dedicated patrol vehicles and the suburbs forming part of each sector has been updated. The revised table, in .PDF document format, can be viewed or downloaded here: Sector Details for Norwood SAPS

Lookouts and Updates

I trust that you are all well. We, as your Norwood CPF, are winding down our activities for the year. Our last public meeting will be at the end of this month – 26th November. Usual time of 18:00 (6pm) in the Norwood Barracks Boardroom. This does not mean we are unable to be contacted […]