Lookouts and Updates

Hi Everyone, A quick update on things and some notices. Lets start with the Notices: Norwood CPF AGM: 25th June 2014 Norwood Primary School (Corners Nellie Rd & Fanny Avenue. Entrance in Nellie Rd.) 18:00 Paterson Park Precinct Rejuvenation: The Paterson Park precinct is to receive a sizeable upgrade. It is the first step in […]


The Norwood CPF will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 25 June 2014, at the Norwood Primary School, at 6pm. Come along and hear about the progress made in our community over the past year, and to look at the year that lies ahead. Norwood SAPS has a new management team, so please […]

Massive arms cache in Norwood home

Hi All, Most of you may have already heard about this incident but those that haven’t please go to the official press release from the SAPS: http://www.saps.gov.za/newsroom/msspeechdetail.php?nid=4819 It was an incredible site to see how a seemingly innocent neighbour could have been involved in storing such a massive cache of weapons. If you have any […]

Sector 4 Crime Awareness Meeting

NORWOOD COMMUNITY POLICE FORUM PRESS RELEASE – 14 FEBRUARY 2014 Norwood Community Police Forum will hold the Sector 4 crime awareness meeting at Linksfield Primary School on 20th February at 18h00. Sector 4 comprises Fairwood, Fellside, Linksfield, Linksfield North, Linksfield Ridge, Mountain View, Orange Grove, Sydenham, Victoria & the two golf courses Royal Johannesburg & […]

Norwood CPF Update – Jan 2014

Hi All, I trust that all of you had a good festive break. I look forward to having an excellent and fruitful 2014. I hope all of you do as well. We had our monthly CPF meeting last night at the station. Thanks to all who attended. It was good to have our SAPS members […]

Reminder of Sector Crime Forum

Reminder of Sector Crime Forum

A reminder regarding the Sector Crime Forum for Sector 4 this week, Thursday the 12th of September. Sector 4 comprises the following suburbs & areas: Royal JHB Golf Club, Huddle Park Golf Club, Sydenham, Orange Grove, Mountain View, Fairwood, Victoria, Fellside, Linksfield, Linksfield North & Linksfield Ridge. So if you live, work or play in […]

[NCPF:48] Update and reminder

Please be reminded of our usual CPF meeting tomorrow night – 28th August 2013. The CPF meetings occur on the last Wednesday of every month. Venue – Norwood SAPS Barracks Boardroom Ground Floor of the Single Barracks Time – 18:00 or 6pm Crime update& warnings: Please remember our warning from last week about persons impersonating […]

Lookout & Women’s Month Activism

Please be aware of impostors in our area. Unfortunately a community member was, today, burgled by a criminal impersonating a City Power official. They purported to have to change her electricity meter to another kind/make. Once they had gained access to the property, they made off with electronic items in the house. So a good […]